Fish for a wish

We sold over 40 betta fish as part of our Fish for a Wish campaign. This was a very successful fundraiser. Here are some pictures of newly formed friendships between the fish and their humans and their cozy new homes.





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If you bought a betta fish from us, here are our instructions of proper fish care.


***Betta fish CANNOT be put directly in tap water from faucet**

  •  Purchase a tap water dechlorinator (water conditioner) from pet store OR
  •  Boil water and let it completely cool before putting fish inside OR
  •  Let water sit in tank for 24 hours to allow all chlorine to evaporate before putting fish inside.
  • TANKS MUST BE KEPT BETWEEN 78-82°F (be careful in winter!)
  • Betta fish are excellent jumpers so only fill water level to 80%


  •  Feed fish twice a day for no more than 3 minutes at a time. After 3 minutes, clean remaining food
  • from tank as some betta fish will overeat to the point of death.

Cleaning Your Tank:

  • Tanks should be cleaned once a week
  • Do not use soap to clean tank, only hotwater
  • Put betta fish in cup of old water while you are cleaning the tank

QUESTIONS???? Contact City Zoo at (509) 525-1160

Located at 2304 Eastgate North Street (near Albertsons/Joann’s/Staples).

Thank you for supporting GlobeMed at Whitman and we hope you enjoy your new friend!


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